Film Studies and Cinematography - Project 2: Pitch Bible

12.6.2024 - 26.6.2024 / Week 8 - Week 10
Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Film Studies and Cinematography
Project 2


1. Lectures
2. Project 2: Pitch Bible
3. Feedbacks
4. Reflection


Week 9 / 19.6.2024 

In week 9, we are going learn about the topic, film grammar.

Film Grammar (Slide Notes) 

Episode > Act > Sequences > Scene > Shot
Naming Converter: Ep01_Act01_Seq01_Sc01_Shot01

Digital Storyboard: 16:9
Thumbnail (Ideas/Layout) > Storyboard (Drawing) > Animatics (Video)

Framing (Miro Notes)

Major Beats = Every beat in Story Spine
Minor Beats = Scenes > Shot Breakdown

Wide Shot - Medium Shot - Close-up Shot
- What the audiences need to see? 

Staging (Miro Notes)


Project 2: Pitch Bible

In this project, we have to create a pitch bible document that calls for the provision of visual materials to accompany content information in the form of slide presentations. We are also required to present the pitch bible.

The pitch bible document must follow slide presentation format which the content must include:

  1. Cover page with title
  2. Log line and synopsis
  3. Product specifications (Genre, target audience, duration, technique)
  4. Theme
  5. Character
  6. World

Visual Design

I included all required contents into the slides I created in Canva. Then, I tried to create the cover page that match the storyline. I planned to set the background at a circus with the main character as the cover page. So, I found some references online on magic circus. After that, I started to draw out the cover page. 

Cover Page References

Final Cover Page

For the main character, the design process is recorded in Animation Fundamentals - Project 1A. As there are a supporting character in the story, so I added the visual of the character, who is the magician K to further complete the pitch bible. 

Supporting Character - Magician K

Final Project 2: Pitch Bible

Final Project 2: Pitch Bible - Slides

Presentation Link:


Week 9 / Thumbnail Storyboard

Specific Feedbacks:

For the thumbnail of the storyboard, add depth to the drawings, can try different perspective because some of it looks flat. 


I enjoyed this project more as I am not very good at writing like what we need to do in Project 1 to express our idea. This project was quite rush since we are having other projects going on at the same time from other module. In this project, we focused more on the visuals. So, I tried to include the settings, characters and so on into the slides. As first, I created the slides, but I didn't realise that I need to leave some spaces for the presentation video. So, I amend some of the slides which the contents are covered by the video. To be honest, I am not sure about the slides because I need to leave space for the video which results in some pages of the slides looks a little bit weird when only looking at them, but I'm quite satisfied with the cover page and character designs. In this project, we had to present our idea within 8 minutes, so I tried to simplify my idea and the contents while presenting which turns out I only used 4 minutes plus.


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