Sonic Design - Exercises

24.9.2024 -  / Week 1 - Week 
Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Sonic Design


1. Lectures
2. Exercises
    Exercise 1 - Equaliser
3. Feedbacks
4. Reflection


Week 1 / 24.9.2024

For the first week of self-directed learning, we are required to download Adobe Audition as it will be the main software we will use in this module. We are also required to create a blog for this module. 

In first week's tutorial and practical class, Mr Razif briefs us about the module and briefly explain the exercises and projects we will be doing in this module. He also showed us some past students' works so we have a concept on what we have to do in each project. 

After the briefing session, we proceed to testing our headphones. Mr Razif posted a file for us to download and place them in Adobe Audition. First, we learned to place the track into editor and apply parametric equaliser to the track and adjust the frequencies. After that, sir showed us how to put all the tracks into multitrack panel and we should adjust the frequencies of each track so that each of them match with the original music which is named "flat" in the folder provided. This is our first exercise, to let us learn to differentiate bass and treble and edit them using parametric equaliser. It also helps us assess whether our headphones can differentiate various frequencies.

Parametric Equaliser: Left - Base; Right - Treble

Equaliser Parametric

Week 2 / 1.10.2024

Lecture: Sound Fundamentals and Equaliser

1. Nature of Sound : a vibration of air molecules that stimulates our eardrums

Nature of Sound

  • Production: Source of the sound
  • Propagation: The medium where the sound travels
  • Perception: Sound captured and translated by our brain

Human Ear

  • Outer Ear: Sound waves enter the outer ear (pinna) and travel through the ear canal, hitting the eardrum.
  • Middle Ear: The eardrum vibrates, causing the three tiny bones (malleus, incus, and stapes) in the middle ear to amplify the sound vibrations and pass them to the inner ear.
  • Inner Ear: The vibrations reach the cochlea, a fluid-filled structure in the inner ear. Hair cells in the cochlea convert the vibrations into electrical signals, which are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve, allowing us to perceive sound.

*Sound is produced by vibration

Transverse Wave: Particles vibrate at a right angle to the direction of the wave
Longitudinal Wave: Vibration of particles is parallel to the wave [*Sound waves]

*The closer the particles, the quicker the particles travel. 

Wavelength and Frequency

  • Wavelength: The distance between any point on a wave and the equivalent point on the next phase.
  • Amplitude: The "height" of a wave.
  • Frequency (Hz): The number of times the wavelength occurs in one second. 

2. Properties of Sound

  • Pitch
    - Frequency: Vibration per second 
    - Less vibration > Low pitch > Low frequency; More vibration > High pitch > High frequency
    - Hertz: Cycle per second 

  • Loudness
    - The perceived volume or intensity of a sound
  • Timbre
    - The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from others
  • Perceived Duration
    - How long a sound seems to last, quick or slow
  • Envelope
    - How a sound evolves from start to finish.
  • Spatialization 
    - Location (direction or distance) of the sound


Exercise 1

In the first exercise, we are required to adjust the frequencies of the 8 tracks provided by Mr Rafiz to match with the original track. We need to identify the tracks whether they are bass or treble and adjust them to match with the original track by parametric equaliser. In this exercise, we have to use headphones, if not we can't tell what are the differences between each track. 

I am able to identify the differences between each track with the original track. For some of it, I used some time to adjust the parametric equaliser since I couldn't find the correct frequency when comparing to the original one. When doing the exercise, I first listened to the solo track of the original music, then switched to the equalized track to compare the differences in sound. 

Final Exercise 1 (Screenshots of parametric equaliser for each track)

Equaliser 1

Equaliser 1

Equaliser 2

Equaliser 2

Equaliser 3

Equaliser 3

Equaliser 4

Equaliser 4

Equaliser 5

Equaliser 5

Equaliser 6

Equaliser 6

Equaliser 7

Equaliser 7

Equaliser 8

Equaliser 8





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