Intercultural Design - Projects

5.2.2024 - 29.3.2024 / Week 1 - Week 8
Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Intercultural Design
Project 1


1. Lectures 
2. Project 1: Proposal 
3. Project 2: Field Study and Data Collection
4. Project 3: Visual Design
5. Feedbacks
6. Reflection


Lecture 1 (Culture & Design)

Lecture 2 (Culture, Design and Research)



In the first project, we are required to write a proposal to concretise our ideas, supported by research, for a final design revolving a given theme that reflects our understanding and interpretation of global issues and design aesthetics. This is a group project. In a group, we need to discuss and come out with ideas on the theme “Cultural Sensitivity in Design”.

Compilation of Ideas

Our group came out with many different ideas and voted 3 ideas to be researched. Our chosen ideas are 

1. Cultural Sensitivity in Game Design: Creating Inclusive and Respectful Gaming Experiences
2. Inaccurate Cultural Representation in Genshin Impact’s Character Design
3. Cultural Sensitivity in Dragons 

We divided ourselves into 2 people a group to do research on the 3 different topics. Han and I did researches on the 3rd topic, which is 'Cultural Sensitivity in Dragons'. The other 2 topics were done by other group members, and the documents are linked on the title above.

Research on 'Cultural Sensitivity in Dragons'

After doing research, we compiled our information into PowerPoint and record our presentation.

Final Project 1: Proposal

Proposal (PPT)

Presentation Link: 


For the next project, which is a continuous project from the previous one, our lecturers chose the first topic "Cultural Sensitivity in Game Design: Creating Inclusive and Respectful Gaming Experiences" for us to continue with the data collection. 

In the data collection part, we are to collect artefacts of the visual culture we are studying. Suggested data collection methods:

  • Observation study
  • Interview relevant stakeholders 
  • Online and/or actual physical material - visual research of the selected culture (the people/arts/symbols/architecture/text/calligraphy etc)
*Artefacts can be in any form: photos, videos, observation write-ups, physical artefacts like packaging, books, brochures etc and any related forms. Artefacts collected should have explanations or rationales to bridge the information between your proposal and your proposed final output.

As for this topic, we couldn't really do field study, so we focus on doing online researches, interviews and also surveys to collect data. 

1. Online Research

Through online research, we got information on the cultural aspect of the traditional clothing of each region of the characters. For example, Kitsune cultures, Kimono, Hanfu and so on. We listed out the appropriateness and inappropriateness based on our researches and observation for the characters. I also did researches on the cultural significances of the traditional attires and compiled all the information into the slides. 

2. Interview

For interview, we found 3 different groups of people in 3 different areas, one is interview with gamers & Genshin players (Cheyenne and Aaron), another one is with fashion design student (Manfu and Aden), and the last group is with anime club (Brandon, Mika, Juvia) to give us their honest opinions on the topic we are doing and the sketches. 

Interview Questions

  1. Can you describe your approach to character design in video games, particularly regarding the portrayal of clothing and attire?
  2. How do you balance the aesthetic appeal of character designs with considerations of cultural sensitivity and realism?
  3. What factors influence your decisions regarding the clothing and attire of characters in video games?
  4. How do you ensure that character clothing choices are appropriate and respectful, especially when it comes to avoiding overly sexualized representations?
  5. How do you incorporate diversity and representation into character clothing designs, taking into account factors such as body types, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds?
  6. What do you think about our sketches on redesigned outfits for characters looking too sexual in their original outfits?
  7. What advice would you give to aspiring character designers who are interested in creating more inclusive and respectful representations of clothing in video games?

We recorded the interviews and jot down the points throughout the interviews. 

Interview recording: 

Interview with gamers & Genshin players (Cheyenne and Aaron)

Interview with fashion design student (Manfu and Aden) and anime club (Brandon, Mika, Juvia)

3. Survey 

We also tried to find character design artists or professionals in this area in order to get some in real time opinions. It requires more time to collect the responses as not everyone responses to us. After collecting responses from the professionals, we analysed the data. By doing the survey, we are able to see the difference of opinions from professional and Instagram artists when coming to issues like these compared to people that we have interviewed.  

Survey Questions     

  1. Do you believe that clothing choices for some characters in video games are often overly sexualized?
  2. Have you ever felt uncomfortable or offended by the clothing choices of characters in video games due to cultural insensitivity or oversexualization?
  3. How would you rate the overall design appeal of the sketches featuring redesigned characters with more covered-up clothing? (1-5)
  4. Do you feel that the redesigned clothing in the sketches is more appropriate and respectful compared to the original designs? (Insert sketches of the redesigned clothes)
  5. How do you think the redesigned clothing impacts the portrayal of female characters in video games? (Positively/Negatively/No impact/Other)
  6. Do you believe that characters with more covered-up clothing are more relatable to a wider audience?
  7. Would you be more likely to play a video game featuring characters with redesigned clothing that is more covered up?
  8. In your opinion, does the redesigned clothing enhance the character's personality and traits?
  9. Do you have any additional comments or feedback regarding the sketches featuring redesigned clothing for video game characters?
  10. How do you balance the aesthetic appeal of character designs with considerations of cultural sensitivity and realism?
  11. How do you ensure that character clothing choices are appropriate and respectful, especially when it comes to avoiding overly sexualized representations?

Google Form:

Final Project 2: Data Collection


Our final idea is designing wishing banners for the 4 characters and releasing design skins for event collaborations (cup sleeves). Our goal is to foster inclusivity and diversity while respecting the integrity of diverse cultural traditions.


- Sketching & Line art = Cheryl 
- Colouring = Elysa
- Rendering = Zi Qi 


- Sketching & Line art = Adriena 
- Colouring = Adriena 
- Rendering = Zi Qi 

Raiden & Yae Miko:

- Sketching & Line art = Elysa 
- Colouring = Zi Qi 
- Rendering = Zi Qi 

Collateral (Cup Sleeves):
- Han & Wan Qing 

Initial Sketches

Our group members first sketched out the characters with redesigned outfits.

Initial Sketches

Sketches 2

After collecting data through interviews and google form, we received some feedbacks on the redesigned outfits, so our group decided to amend some of the parts and try to compromise the original outfit and the cultural aspect of the characters. 

2nd Sketch

Final Redesigned Outfits

Final Redesigned Outfits

Splash Art (Characters for Wishing Banners and Cup Sleeves)

Since we are going to put the characters into wishing banners and cup sleeves, our group decided to draw the characters in different poses so they are more natural and match into the final outcome. This part is done by Cheng Yue and Adriena, they took Xingqiu and Venti each before passing it to Zi Qi for rendering. Elyssa also helped do the sketching and base colour for Yae Miko and Raiden before passing it to Zi Qi for rendering. 

Venti (Cup Sleeves)

Xingqiu (Cup Sleeves)

Yae Miko (Wishing Banners)

Raiden (Wishing Banners)

Wishing Banners (Elyssa)

Wishing Banner (Yae Miko ver)

Wishing Banner (Raiden Shogun ver)

Cup Sleeves (Han & Wan Qing)

For this part, we will include only 2 characters, Xingqiu and Venti into the cup sleeves designs. We first did some researches and look for some references online of other cup sleeves released by collaborations of milk tea brand and online games. We then decided to follow the theme colours of each character to design the cup sleeves. We will make different designs and decide which to use for the final outcome for both characters in 1 cup sleeve. 

Cup Sleeves Background (Design 1)

I try to create different styles of background for the cup sleeves and see which of them suits the most. The first design is gradient for their theme colours, blue and green. The second design is using a scenery view as background. The third design is using the first design as background, adding wind and water elements. 

Different Styles of Cup Sleeves Background

The first design is too plain. So, I inserted the characters into the 2nd and 3rd design since they are more related to both characters. I also added gradient of green and blue with low transparency to match with the colour themes in the second design. 

2nd Style and 3rd Style with Characters

As the third design is too plain and it's a little bit too empty, we decided to use the 2nd design as the final design. Besides, the characters are too small, so I zoomed the characters into half-body. 

Progress Pic

Cup Sleeves Background (Design 2)

The second design is done by Han. This design is also for both characters, Xingqiu and Venti. Originally, we planned to make 2 more designs for each characters, but we are rushing to finish the project, so we decided to change the 2nd design into both characters. 

Background of 2nd Design of Cup Sleeve

Cup Sleeves (Combined Characters) Final Design

Final Cup Sleeve Design (Ver 1)

Final Cup Sleeve Design (Ver 2)

Final Project 3: Visual Design

We compiled all of our sketches, progress into the slides. 

Final Project 3: Visual Design

Presentation Link: 


Week 5 / Project 2

Our proposal got approved by Mr Charles, our group's supervisor. Mr Charles asked us to think about how are we going to convey our message to the public through the visual design, from our proposal we are thinking to do wishing banners for 4 characters and also merchandises. But before that, we need to collect more data on how to redesign the outfit according to their culture but also their characters (functionality, visual aesthetic, etc...)

Week 6 / Project 2

We showed our progress to Mr Charles and explained to him what we are doing. He agreed that we are on the right way but we should not be biased on our side to find the data that is on our side, we should be fair and accept all the data whether they are against or agree with our idea. We are trying to redesign the outfit based on the cultural aspect and feedbacks from the interviews so that we can compromise the opinions. After collecting the data, remember to relate them to the original idea of our project. 



This is not an easy module for me, since there are a lot of things we need to do from project 1 to the final project. Additionally, there is not much time for us as this is a short semester, and also there is some holidays in the start of the semester. In the beginning, all group members came out with different ideas that are of different areas such as fashion, game designs and so on. One of the topics our group came out is 'Cultural Sensitivity in Game Design: Creating Inclusive and Respectful Gaming Experiences' using the character portrayals in Genshin Impact, which is the topic chosen by our lecturers to continue with our next projects. I am not that familiar with this game since I don't play online games, so when doing researches, I used more time to complete the slides. We focused on 1 area of the character portrayals which is the outfits of the characters since we are lacking of time. We felt quite rushed for each projects especially the final project even though we are given 1-week extension because we used more time to collect data from the professionals and we need to draw the characters and design the collaterals. I felt very satisfied with the final outcomes including the redesigned characters, wishing banners and the collaterals. Overall, it was a fun but rushed module for me and I am able to learn more about character portrayal in different cultures according to their regions. 


From this module, I observed that while designing the outfits of the characters in online games, we need to consider the cultural aspects of the characters if they are designed based on a region. In many cases, characters' clothing designs may prioritize aesthetics and fantasy elements over accurate representation of cultural attire. In many cases, characters' clothing designs may prioritise aesthetics and fantasy elements over accurate representation of cultural attire. It's not that prioritising aesthetics and fantasy elements is wrong, but I think it's a need to consider the cultural aspect such as the traditional attire, cultural elements and more. I think the designers need to find a way to compromise both conditions in characters designs so that the character's outfits that are culturally inappropriate, (in this case, our project theme, the outfits are designed too short and it's inappropriate for some players) to be both practical and appropriate for the local community. 


Throughout the module, I found that time management is very important so that the projects can be completed within the timeframe as there are also other assignments of other modules. Besides, I also found that communications are important within a group. We went through some frustration due to the lack of communication with our group members while proceeding with our work. I think it is important to let our members know that where are we at while doing our own part so that we won't be rushing on the last hour. 


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