Information Design - Project 2: Animated Infographic

28.2.2024 - 8.3.2024  / Week 4 - Week 5
Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Information Design
Project 2


1. Lectures
2. Project 2: Animated Infographic 
3. Feedbacks
4. Reflection 


Week 5 / 5.3.2024

Our last F.L.I.P topic is Manuel Lima’s 9 Directives Manifesto.

FLIP Presentation 


This is a continuous project of Project 1: Instructable Infographic Poster. In this task, we are required to use the assets from Project 1 and make a 60-second motion graphic. Once again, we have to capture the aesthetics and narrative of the poster with movements, SFX, and music.


  • Max 60 seconds
  • Resolution: 720p
  • 1280 x 720 pixels 
  • Format: H26/mp4


Before I started, I searched for some inspirations on how the style, compositions and so on for an animated infographics. I tried to search for Italian cuisine menu as I'm doing a traditional Italian recipe and I have no clue how to design the border of the infographics. I focus more on the colour blue as it can represent the calmness of the Grandma.




In our week 4's tutorial and practical classes, we are given some time to sketch the storyboard for this animated infographics so that we can understand how the composition is going to be.


Assets (Illustrations)

Besides assets from project 1, I make a few more illustrations I need in the infographic video. 


Scenes for Animation

Then, I started to create scenes for animation in Adobe Illustrator using the assets. I tried to use a similar colour palette I used in the poster on the scenes. I added some elements such as the colours of the flag of Italy at the side to show the characteristics of the grandma and the food. 


After Effects

After completing each scenes in Illustrator, I imported the files from After Effects to animate them. As I had to animate each elements with different motions, I had to seperate each elements into different layers. To make sure that the background is the same, I kept and locked the elements in the background for every scenes. I animated the elements with simple movements like opacity, position and rotation. I had to ensure the movements look smooth, and also I'm not very familiar with this software, I spent more time to add the motions. I animated each scenes in different files and exported them into different clips for different scenes.

Process in After Effects

In the scene shown below, I used position, scale for the 'Ingredients' and opacity for the graphics to animated each elements. Similarly, I did these for the other scenes as well.

Scene 3 with motions

BGM + Procreate

After completing the motions for each scenes, I imported the clips into Procreate to edit them into a video. I marked out the clips and add video transitions in Procreate. After that, I listed down the sound effects I needed and searched for them. 

Full Video (without sound effects and BGM)

I inserted the sound effects and background music according to the visuals, and I adjusted the frequency of each sound effects as they are from different sources, they have different frequencies. The whole video exceed 1 minute, I tried not to let it exceeds too much as it shouldn't be too rush so that the viewers can read the instructions. 

Sound Effects

I then posted the video into YouTube and set as unlisted. 

Final Project 2: Animated Infographic 


Week 4 / Project 2

Keep it simple and clear, avoid letting the viewers to pause the video.


This project is a continuous project from Project 1, therefore, we can use the assets from it. However, there are more illustrations I needed for the video since in the poster, I combined some of the steps  together. In the first attempt, I put all scenes and assets in one layer and one file, but I could not animated them in After Effects since it's in 1 layer. So, I seperated all the assets into different files and different layers so that I can add simple motion into the illustrations. In After Effects, I had to ensure all the movements are smooth and are consistent through out the video, so I used more time in this stage. After completing the motions, I moved the clips to Procreate so that I can combined them together and add music and sound effects. Sound effects are quite hard to find as some of them does not sound like what I have imagined. However, I was able to find the sound effects and suitable background music and edited them into the video after adjusting the frequency. This project required more time than the previous project as there are more things to be done throughout the whole process such as illustrating, animating, video editing, sound effects and so on. This is not an easy project as it needs much time to complete it, however, it definitely helps me to improve in animating the illustration and placing the information according to the composition.


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