Interactive Design - Project 2: Working Web Page

16.10.2023 - 24.10.2023 / Week 8 - Week 9
Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Interactive Design
Project 2 

1. Project 2
2. Feedbacks
3. Reflection


All lectures are recorded in Interactive Design - Exercises.


In this second part of the assignment, we have to build upon the UI design prototype created in Part 1 to develop the final visual design of our digital resume or curriculum vitae (CV). We'll focus on refining the visual aesthetics, enhancing user interface interactions, and ensuring a polished user experience.

The objective of this assignment is to transform our static prototype from Project 1 into a fully functional and interactive web page. We will apply the knowledge of web layout class to create a working website that closely aligns with our original prototype. We need to use HTML and CSS to translate the design elements into code, ensuring a faithful representation of the original prototype.

Before working on the web page, I reviewed my prototype web page in Project 1 regarding the layout and typography. My prototype has two columns and two rows. 


I started with writing HTML codes in Adobe Dreamweaver and distributed each section with different <div> and class attributes. 

After writing the HTML codes, I started writing the CSS codes to style the web page. I followed what we did in the classes, I style the sections from left to right, top to bottom. I found a font that is similar to my prototype on Google Font. I also search for the way to mask the image to circle and tried it on my image as what I did in the prototype. 

I first styled the sections into left and right, top and bottom, and then I changed the typeface. Next, I added the background colours, but I faced difficulties because the text on the top is not aligned together with the text bottom, and the background colours were not aligned together. I amended the gap of the columns so that they were aligned perfectly. It was a little bit different from my prototype design, which the name and other sections are in two boxes respectively with margin from the top and right. 

First Draft of Working Web Page According to Prototype Design

After I reviewed on the webpage, I tried seperating the 2 backgrounds and see the result. I think the second draft is better than the first draft. 

Second Draft of Working Web Page

After that, I also added the codes for different sizes. This does not really work perfectly especially the second row ([.row] section) but I am not sure about the reason. So, I rechecked all the codes and search for the solutions. 

I found out the problem and changed and added the CSS codes including display, white space, flex wrap, line height to solve the problem such as the text overflowed in different media with smaller size, some part of the text is hidden in smaller screen size. I rewrite the CSS codes for a few parts and eventually, I am able to solve the problems that I faced using the codes stated earlier. I also added the title for the link under the section of 'Project'.

Final Working Web Page

I uploaded the web page to Netlify. Link:


Add padding. Add box-sizing to avoid other elements to collapse.


The project of creating a working web page using HTML and CSS has been a fulfilling and educational project. This hands-on experience has deepened my understanding of web development and design. I have learned to structure web content using HTML, emphasizing the importance of proper semantic tags so that I am able to style them according to the class attributes. Additionally, CSS has allowed me to style and layout the webpage, giving it a visually appealing and user-friendly design. The project has highlighted the significance of responsive design, ensuring that the webpage functions seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes. It was challenging to style them in different screen sizes as I could not recognise the problems and I could not style in like what I had in my mind. However, debugging and troubleshooting issues that arose during the development process improved my problem-solving skills. 


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