Video and Sound Production - Project 2

19.9.2023 -  29.10.2023 / Week 4 - Week 9
Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media 
Video and Sound Production
Project 2 


1. Project 2
    Production shoot 
    Instagram/TikTok Video Treatment
2. Reflection 


All lectures and exercises are recorded in Video and Sound Project - Project 1



In this project, we are going to shoot as a group and edit individually. We are divided into 2 teams, team B and team S. Team B is going to shoot according to the Netflix series, "Beef"; while team S is going shoot according to the Japanese drama named "Silent". This assignment aims to explore students to production shooting and editing environment.

I am in team B. We are provided with the storyboard, which include the shots we need to shoot as a group. We divided our roles in the class. 

Crew List

My role is assistant art director, we need to find the costumes, props and location of the shooting and send them to the director for approval. Therefore, we need to do our job before the shooting. 

"Beef" Storyboard

We listed out the costumes, props and also locations for each scene according to the storyboard Mr Martin gave us before we started the shooting. The actors and actress will find costumes that look similar with the actual movies. We tried to at least match the colours of the clothes if we couldn't find a similar one. There are props that will be used by the actors, such as phone and hammer; and there are props that are in the background, which the camera won't focus on them. We couldn't find similar props on the rack in scene 1 shot 1, so we used the props that are already on the rack of the shooting location. 

"Beef" Pre-production - Props, Costumes, Location

Before the filming, we need to be clear on the schedule of the shooting, like which scene we will film first, the locations, lines and more so that we won't be confused on the day and waste time on figuring them out. 

"Beef" Final Storyboard (with lines and locations)

We had our shooting on Week 5 (26.9.2023). We followed the plan on which scenes to shoot first, we first shoot the last scene, as the sky in the scene is a little bit dark, we thought of filming it first while the sky is still not that bright, however, it was a rainy day, so we didn't have to rush the filming. For my role, we decorated the sets with the props before the shooting of that scene take place to save time. The shooting process went smoothly eventually. The videos and sounds were then shared to the group for our individual editing. 

Before I started with editing, I renamed the video according to the scenes and shots so that it is easier for me to differentiate the shots while editing. I edited the footages into a trailer-style video. I add audio tracks for each character and also background music and ambient sound, 5 audio tracks in total. Then, I included the footages into the time sequence following the storyboard before I edited them according to my own idea. I also synced the audios of the actor/actress' lines to the footages. As some audio tracks had the background noise, I denoise the background noise in Premiere Pro. 

Mark in and Mark out

Syncing Audios and Videos

Production Film - Attempt 1 (No BGM)

I watched the edited a few times and I found some parts are a little bit awkward so I went back and edited them again. I then search for BGM that suits the edited video and make it like a trailer. 

Production Film (with BGM)

In week 6, we learned about colour correction, I adjusted the colour of each footage to similar colour through adjusting the exposure, temperature, contrast and so on. 

Colour Correction

Production Film (Colour Correction)

Production Film (Colour Correction with BGM)

Mr Martin wanted us to add rolling credits on the video which include the roles of each group member. After adding the rolling credits, I added colour grading for the whole video. 

Adding Colour Grading and Rolling Credits

Production Film (Colour Correction + Colour Grading with BGM and Rolling Credits)

Final Production Shoot


We are to write down the short video ideas in the Google Slides template provided. In the slides, we should include a short introduction about ourselves, a description of the video idea, some music to be used and create a mood board. 

My idea is to show how I spend a day off in my dorm as I don't really like to go out. After that, I also created the storyboard for my short video to show how I am going to film myself, the camera angles, ideas and so on. I started to film using my phone and the tripod according to the storyboard. 

For some of the scenes, I shot a few times due to different reasons that came out to be different with what I wanted, like camera angle, out of focus, lighting and so on. 

After finishing with the editing of the clips, I adjusted the colour grading of each scene like what we had learned in week 6. After that, I adjusted the colour correction for the whole video by adding an adjustment layer. 

Next, I added the background music for the short video that I had chosen. I tried to make the rhythm matched with the transition of the clips. 

Final Instagram/Tik Tok Video Treatment


Production Shoot

This project requires teamwork especially while shooting, everyone has to focus on their own role so that the shooting can proceed smoothly. For me, it was a very new experience to be able to learn how shooting takes place. As art directors, we need to make sure the settings and props are similar to the scenes that we are going to shoot. It was a very fun experiences and process to observe the shooting. For the editing part, it allows me to know how to arrange the clips in a compelling way to create a storyline that is not complete, which make the final video looks like a teaser. I also learned that it is important to align the background music and the clips according to the tempo, beats and so on as the background music can set the mood of the whole video. 

Instagram/Tik Tok Video Treatment

For this project, it was quite challenging for me as I have never shoot video of myself before. It is difficult for me to think a storyboard and the content of the video which the character is myself. I think this is also very new for me. However, from this project, I learned to shoot according to the angles we had learned in class. In the editing part, I also learned to cut the clips with mark-in and mark-out tools, I also did colour correction after editing the video, this makes me become more familiar with the software and the tools that we learned in class. 


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