Digital Photography and Imaging - Week 14

Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging 
Week 14 (Consultation Week)
WEEK 14 (6.7.2023)

Week 13 is a public holiday and this week will be the last class of Digital Photography and Imaging. This is also the last consultation class from Mr Fauzi for our final project. So at the end of this class, we are going to finalise everything and submit our Project 4 - Animation: Self-titled

In this class, I amended my work by adjusting the speed of both clock hands as Mr Fauzi advised because the speed of minute hand and hour hand are different, if both of them are in the same speed, the time will be messed up and affect the overall result of this animation. Mr Fauzi also said that we should pay attention to this small details as it will cause the final outcome to look different. 

I have learned a lot from this module and I like the atmosphere of the classes in this module very much. After completing this module, I feel like we can practice our imagination from photographs into images through different techniques like recolouring, double exposure and so on. The assignments had also helped me to learn and practice what I have learned during the lectures and tutorials. I like to edit images and videos, so from this module, it's all about learning what I like and enjoy doing, it has equipped me with more knowledge and techniques in this area. 


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