
Sonic Design - Exercises

24.9.2024 -  / Week 1 - Week  Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Sonic Design Exercises INDEX: 1. Lectures 2. Exercises     Exercise 1 - Equaliser 3. Feedbacks 4. Reflection LECTURES   Week 1 / 24.9.2024 For the first week of self-directed learning, we are required to download Adobe Audition as it will be the main software we will use in this module. We are also required to create a blog for this module.  In first week's tutorial and practical class, Mr Razif briefs us about the module and briefly explain the exercises and projects we will be doing in this module. He also showed us some past students' works so we have a concept on what we have to do in each project.  After the briefing session, we proceed to testing our headphones. Mr Razif posted a file for us to download and place them in Adobe Audition. First, we learned to place the track into editor and apply parametric equaliser to the track and adjust the frequencies. Afte

Animation Fundamentals - Final Project: Action Animation

2.7.2024 - 28.7.2024 / Week 11 - Week 14 Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Animation Fundamentals Final Project INDEX: 1. Final Project: Action Animation 2.  Feedbacks 3.  Reflection   INSTRUCTIONS Final Project: Action Animation In the final project, we are required to use our character from our previous project 1 and animate a 5 second physical action sequence. We can choose an action sequence that involves physical movement, such as a fight, chase, or sports-related activity. Then, we have to develop a clear understanding of the desired outcome, key actions, and the emotions we want to convey in the scene. Storyboard Before starting on animating, I drew the storyboard first. The scenes are inspired by my story idea on Film Studies and Cinematography. From storyboard idea 2, I modify it to a more connected action in the scenes. After drawing on the storyboard, I proceeded to search for the actions online, th

Film Studies and Cinematography - Final Project: Storyboard and Animatics

26.6.2024 - 28.7.2024 / Week 10 - Week 14 Chan Wan Qing / 0350928 / BA of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Film Studies and Cinematography Final Project INDEX: 1. Final Project: Storyboard and Animatics 2.  Feedbacks 3.  Reflection INSTRUCTIONS Final Project: Storyboard and Animatics The objective of this project is to produce a 1-3 minute animatics storyboard based on your approved short animation. In this project, the animatic storyboard production must be based on the proposed story ideas developed for Project 1.  Deliverables: 1. Thumbnail drawing (10%)      i. Sketch story ideas on A4 paper.      ii. You are free to use any kind of format as long as the story can be understood in an orderly manner.      iii. Feel free to use text to add description.      iv. Present in the class for brainstorming purposes.       v. Output all drawings as one pdf file. 2. Storyboard (10%)      i. Format: A4 size with landscape orientation      ii.